Water Damage Restoration Superior Township, MI
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Complete your fire, mold, or water restoration in three easy steps:
3- Learn MoreMold Exposure Warning Signs & Mold Remediation
Mold is a type of fungi that grows both indoors and outdoors. When mold grows outdoors, it acts as a decomposer to help break down organic matter. However, when it grows in the house, it poses various...
- Learn MorePre-Winter Maintenance
Before it gets too cold – it’s a good time to prepare your home and property for our unpredictable weather conditions. This is always the time of the year when we get calls for flooded houses as a res...
- Learn MoreWhat You Should Know About The Dangers Of Water Damage
Water can be a silent destroyer when it infiltrates the interior of your home. From subtle leaks to catastrophic floods, the damage caused by water can be extensive, costly, and sometimes irreversible...
- Learn MorePlanning a Renovation Before the Holidays? Things to Consider That Might Help Prevent a Disaster Later
Whether you aim to increase your home’s value or to simply enjoy your space more, renovation is a popular option for current homeowners. From basic projects like painting to full-scale structural over...
- Learn MoreYou’ve Been Through A Disaster. What Happens To Your Belongings?
Natural disasters can strike anywhere and anytime, causing significant damage and disruption to homes and businesses. Whether it is a flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane or tornado, the aftermath of a ...
- Learn MorePreparing for Winter Colder Temps
Are you prepared for a severe winter that includes below average temperatures? Last winter was mild, but that’s not a guarantee that this winter will be too. Although you can’t control the weather, yo...
- Learn MoreLighting and Fire Safety Around the Holidays
Holiday fires are the worst. They’re so destructive, and to see the damage done to homes and businesses during the holidays is depressing. And even more so, because so many fires are usually preventab...
- Learn MoreA Change In Seasons Requires A Change In Caring For Our Pets
Why Petcare Should Change With The Season Throughout this month, Restoration 1 of Western Wayne County will be posting articles on disaster preparation for pets. There are some good articles out ther...
- Learn MoreWater Damage – How to Prevent Plumbing Disasters
It would be nice to buy a home and then not have to worry about it or do anything to it! But our homes have maintenance requirements – which may change with the season. And depending on your landscapi...
- Learn MoreWeather Disasters and Asbestos
When hurricane Ian churned through the southern United States last year, the damage in its wake was shocking. This sudden, catastrophic event not only claimed 148 lives but also destroyed homes, busin...
- Learn MoreSummer Safety For Kids
Summer is the favorite time of year for many children. The long, fun-filled days are a welcome break from the routine and demands of school. Instead of lessons and recess, kids can enjoy swimming, out...
- Learn MoreFollow These Steps Before Packing Your Suitcase
It’s vacation time! Yippee! Before you head out, we’d like you to check a few things around your house. Believe me, this will be worth the time you spend reading this article and the few minutes it wi...
- Learn MoreSmall Plumbing Leaks And Other Preventative Maintenance
Small Plumbing Leaks. HVAC and Maintenance Checks. If you can spend one morning paying particular attention to often neglected areas of your house, you can save time and trouble later. Here’s a quick...
- Learn MoreApril Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning – Time To Get Busy! Spring is getting closer, which usually gets us thinking about refreshing and airing out the house. Spring cleaning might be on the agenda, and maybe you’re thinki...
- Learn MoreDeclutter Home and Office
Take The Time To Declutter Home and Office Springtime seems to give us all a little bit more energy – and the motivation to get organized! If you’ve done a bit of spring cleaning this year, you might...
- Learn MoreMold Detection and Prevention
Mold Detection and Prevention It’s Spring. And that calls to mind spring cleaning . . . and maybe some decluttering chores. While all this is going on, Spring is a good time to pay attention to areas...
- Learn MoreCan Mold Grow In the Winter Months
Many homeowners believe mold is a seasonal problem because it thrives in environments with excess moisture and high temperatures. Early spring to mid-fall is considered the mold season in the US. Peop...
- Learn MorePreparing For Water Emergencies
The promise of spring’s arrival is a welcome reassurance after a dark winter. As early bulbs erupt with color, buds appear on branches, and the days begin to lengthen, we know that even warmer tempe...
- Learn MoreHow To Spot and Prevent Mold in the Bathroom
Bathrooms often have a steady supply of moisture and leftover water from showers, making them ideal breeding grounds for mold. As what could be the dampest area in your home, microbial growth can begi...
- Learn MoreCommon Water Leaks in the Winter: Where To Find Them
While water damage emergencies can happen at any time of the year, they become more common during winter. Factors such as freezing temperatures, cool winds, and thawing snow make plumbing problems and...
- Learn MoreWhat’s Involved With Water Damage Clean-up?
This winter the temperatures in Michigan have mostly been above normal, with some freezing temperatures at night. At this time of the year, we’re usually talking about freezing temperatures and how th...
- Learn MoreIce Dams Prevention and Removal
(Illustration courtesy of IBHS – Institute for business and Home Safety, https://disastersafety.org/ ) Ice dams are a common occurrence in snowy areas of the country. While they may be pretty to look...
- Learn MoreWhat Are the Most Common Winter Plumbing Issues?
Winters in Detroit are freezing, snowy, and windy. These conditions can potentially produce hazardous conditions like heavy snow and ice storms. Unfortunately, these can make your home vulnerable to p...
- Learn MoreIce Dams: What to Do to Get Rid of Them
The winter season is coming, and with it, so are the festive holidays, family gatherings, and everything else that comes with dealing with the frosty weather. While most of your home’s indoor spaces m...
- Learn MoreChimney Fires in Detroit
It’s that time of the year when it’s cold outside in Michigan and soon the kids will be home from school and begging for a fire in the fireplace. It’s been a while since you’ve had the fireplace clean...
- Learn More6 Common Areas for Mold Growth
Mold is a type of fungi that can grow anywhere in optimal, often moist conditions. It is beneficial to the environment as it performs a crucial role in supporting life in the ecosystem. However, mold ...
- Learn MoreWhen Pipes Freeze In Michigan!
Water can be a severely destructive force. It attacks everything in its path – from wood floors, walls, carpeting, tiles, drywall, and furniture. As our temperatures freeze this week, it’s not unusua...
- Learn MoreHelpful Tips to Prevent Frozen Pipes
Water can freeze when it reaches its freezing point of 32 °F. When that happens, it expands by as much as nine percent of its current volume. This expansion in volume is harmless when it occurs in an ...
- Learn MoreHoliday Kitchen and Food Safety Tips
Gathering with family and friends is a hallmark of the holiday season in the Metro Detroit area and most of these gatherings involve food – whether it’s a feast around the table, snacks during gameday...
- Learn MoreHelpful Tips to Prevent Home Fires
Space heaters and other sources help keep a house comfortably warm in the colder months, but if not used properly, they can become extremely dangerous. With home heating as the country’s second leadin...
- Learn MoreWater Damage Prevention: Hidden Leak Detection
Water damage is a common problem many homeowners face as a result of various causes. The extent of water damage can range from slight water damage that you may be able to repair yourself to severe wat...
- Learn MoreCaring for Pets in Cold Weather
As colder days approach in metro Detroit and Western Wayne County, questions about pet care always surface. We’ve gone to some of the most reliable sources to get answers! Please read below and if you...
- Learn MoreMold Remediation How to Tell if Mold is Present
Mold is an ever-present organism in every home and building, whether as spores or fuzzy microbial growth. The latter is more dangerous but is visible and, therefore, easier to find and remove. Unfortu...
- Learn MoreFaulty Plumbing? The Causes of Water Damage
Faulty plumbing is one of the most destructive issues homeowners can experience in Metro Detroit. Seemingly minor issues such as a small leak can produce tiny droplets of water that gradually damage y...
- Learn MoreFire Prevention Tips: Protect Your Business From Fire Damage
While you may never anticipate the worst to happen on your business premises, having your business prepared for a fire should always be a top priority. In the event of a fire, practicing fire safety i...
- Learn More5 Places to Check for Water Damage after Heavy Rainfall
Torrential rainfall often brings a deluge of water, which can overwhelm your home. When this happens, water makes its way through your property, leaving considerable damage in its wake. To reduce the ...
- Learn MoreTop 5 Roof Leaks - Water Damage Restoration
A leaky roof can quickly escalate from an inconvenience to a major problem needing urgent repairs. While water dripping from your ceiling is an evident sign of a roof leak, it’s also possible that wat...
- Learn MorePurchased a New Home and Suspect Mold Growth?
Your Walls Appear Distorted Moisture can cause paint to bubble and walls to look warped. As mentioned, moisture often leads to microbial growth if not remedied. If you suspect mold issues due to wate...
- Learn More5 Signs of a Bad Sump Pump & Water Removal
What Is a Sump Pump? The sump pump is a small pump installed usually in a pit located in the lowest part of a basement or crawlspace. It prevents groundwater from getting into the area. Water flows ...
- Learn MoreBuying Older Property in Detroit? Check out These Tips Before Buying
Buying a newly-built home isn’t everyone’s dream. In fact, many people like the charm and character that older homes offer. Think butler pantries, telephone nooks, and sleeping porches. These characte...
- Learn MoreUnwanted Household Smells & Odor Removal
There’s nothing worse than a lingering odor in your Metro Detroit household or business, especially when you have guests over. Depending on the smell’s strength, it may take a while to work out where ...
- Learn MoreMold Exposure Warning Signs & Mold Remediation
Mold is a type of fungi that grows both indoors and outdoors. When mold grows outdoors, it acts as a decomposer to help break down organic matter. However, when it grows in the house, it poses various...
- Learn MorePre-Winter Maintenance
Before it gets too cold – it’s a good time to prepare your home and property for our unpredictable weather conditions. This is always the time of the year when we get calls for flooded houses as a res...