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Mold Detection and Prevention

Mold Remediation Metro Detroit

3 min read

Mold Detection and Prevention

It’s Spring. And that calls to mind spring cleaning . . . and maybe some decluttering chores. While all this is going on, Spring is a good time to pay attention to areas of high moisture around your home or office. Here are some things to consider. How Much Mold Is Too Much? The particles that turn into mold are actually in the air around us every day. When the moisture level is high – let’s say after a flood in your bathroom or basement – mold growth will start quickly – and it will continue to grow as long as the moisture level remains high. Paying particular attention to these areas can prevent small problems from developing into large ones.There is no practical way to eliminate all of the mold spores in an indoor environment. But there are many ways to help control moisture and mold growth in your home or office. The basic rule is: if you can see or smell mold, take steps to eliminate the excess moisture, and to clean and remove any mold. It is very important to quickly identify and correct any moisture sources before health problems develop.Here are some suggestions for owners of homes or businesses.If you discover mold, the first step is to find and eliminate the water source. Then if it is a small area and you feel comfortable, clean the mold with a detergent solution and thoroughly dry all materials. Larger areas, more than 10 sq. ft., may need the help of a professional mold remediation company, such as Restoration 1 of Metro Detroit. We understand and apply industry standard approaches to remediate mold completely, while being as safe for your home and your family as possible.

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