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A Change In Seasons Requires A Change In Caring For Our Pets

Caring For Our Pets

4 min read

Why Petcare Should Change With The Season

Throughout this month, Restoration 1 of Western Wayne County will be posting articles on disaster preparation for pets. There are some good articles out there and we’ve compiled the best! So please refer to our Facebook page during the month for more details.

In this article we hope to make you aware of how seasonal changes and environmental issues may affect our furry friends.

I don’t know about you, but the start of Fall seems so refreshing. The cooler, drier air begs us to spend more time outdoors. And with that, your pets are probably spending more time enjoying the fresh air too.

The Presence of Toxic Substances.

As the air gets a little colder, small rodents and other pests may be searching for warmth inside our homes. I’ve noticed how active the squirrels are around my house and garden and I’ve tried to figure out a way to keep them at bay! At any rate, many people will use some form of poison to control these pests – particularly mice. These substances are highly toxic to our pets and can be fatal if ingested. Please keep your pets away from anything that might be toxic and be sure to keep your own products out of reach.

This is also the time of year when people may be cleaning their cars in driveways and garages and adding coolants as needed. These car engine coolants contain ethylene glycol, which is also highly toxic. If you’re working on your car and changing fluids, be sure to clean up any spills immediately. Note to car buffs: propylene glycol-based coolants have a much lower toxicity level.

Of course, Fall is also the time when our children are back in school. Not many people realize that school supplies can be dangerous if ingested. Items like glue sticks, pencils and markers can cause gastrointestinal problems and blockages in our pets.

And if you are a golfer, you’ve probably noticed how many mushrooms there are on the course! It’s easy to mistake them for your golf ball! Keep in mind, while many mushrooms are harmless, some of them DO pose a threat to our pets. Dogs can’t sniff out the difference between poisonous and nonpoisonous mushrooms – so make sure to steer clear of them while on your walks.

Holiday Preparations and Treats

With Halloween and Thanksgiving approaching quickly, be sure to take precautions – both with decorations and food. Small toys and ornaments can be choking hazards for pets and in some cases may contain toxic substances. Most pet owners are well aware of the dangers of chocolate to dogs but other foods, like raw bread dough and small poultry bones should also be kept out of reach. One good idea for the fall? Try adding fresh or canned pumpkin to your dog’s diet – it’s safe and nutritious and you may have a good supply of it.

And a quick note about the holidays and upcoming guests. Some pets are cautious about new people. If you have company, make sure your guests know in advance. Some dogs are afraid of children, especially highly active and loud children so best to keep everyone safe and separated. Dog bites and related injuries were responsible for millions in liability insurance claims during the year.

Loving the Outdoors?

If you’re a walker or runner, remember that ticks still pose a problem in the fall. It’s a good idea to examine your pet all over after a trip through the woods. And again, keep them away from mushrooms. Allergies also affect our pets. If you notice excessive itching, check with the vet to help identify any allergies. Keeping your yard raked free of leaves and the grass cut short will also help to reduce skin irritations.

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