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Is Hurricane Damage Covered by Insurance?

By APHITHANA at Shutterstock

If you live along the coast, especially the East Coast or Gulf Coast, then you know there will always be a risk of hurricanes. The area is simply prone to hurricane weather. As such, you likely have certain plans and precautions in place to deal with hurricane season accordingly. But does your insurance have the same precautionary measures for you? Many people have no idea what their homeowners insurance policy actually covers. It could be nothing more than accidental damage. If you live in a hurricane region, take a moment to read through your insurance policy. Does it cover hurricane damage?

Types of Damage Caused by Hurricanes

When you think of hurricane weather, you likely imagine a whole lot of wind and rain. That’s about right, for the most part. The wind damage caused by a hurricane is among the worst of the situation. But thankfully, the wind is generally covered among the common perils your homeowners insurance policy handles. However, there are some policies from big-name companies that exclude wind-related damage. It’s crucial that you read your policy thoroughly to determine what is and isn’t covered by your plan.

Then, we have water damage. Water damage is where homeowners insurance gets really tricky. You see, most insurance carriers will cover water damage caused by a burst pipe, for example, or another sudden occurrence, as long as the damage is not gradual. However, that same insurance policy will not cover flooding.

With a hurricane, flooding is a genuine possibility. As such, the insurance company can argue either way. They may cover the water damage because it was caused by a storm. Or, they may leave you hanging because you didn’t have a flood insurance policy – an additional annual expense.

Hurricanes and Homeowners Insurance

Technically, your homeowners insurance does cover hurricanes, all thanks to the likes of Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Katrina. Across the country, state regulations and reinsurance companies (those that insure the insurer) force your primary insurance company to take on some risk when in a hurricane-prone region.

To lessen their burden, many insurance companies often require coastal states to acquire windstorm coverage, which is similar to flood insurance – a separate policy altogether. However, windstorm coverage often has a percentage of deductible instead of the typical fixed dollar amount deductible.

Furthermore, you need to think of actual coverage. Does your insurance policy have enough coverage in place to handle any amount of damage caused by a hurricane? If you do not have enough coverage, then you’re out of pocket for much of the repairs and restoration work.

For storm recovery services in hurricane-prone regions, contact your local Restoration 1. We provide 24-hour property restoration services for homeowners and local business owners in the area!

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