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Mold Remediation – When Do You Really Need It?

Molds are a common occurrence in many homes and can pose a serious health hazard. Mold replicates by producing spores, which are microscopic cells that spread easily through the air. Not only do molds produce irritants, allergens, and even toxic substances, but they can also trigger respiratory problems. Conditions such as asthma, for example, are worsened by mold spores when inhaled.

5 Signs You May Need Mold Remediation Service

Mold thrives in warm and humid conditions. And, as a homeowner, it is vital to inspect for mold growth in these areas on a regular basis. Early detection of mold in your home is important for your health and that of your family and pets. Moreover, while it may be difficult to realize that you have a mold problem, you should immediately contact mold remediation experts as soon as you notice any of the following signs:

  1. Mold Odor

Although this is not the same in all cases, some molds give off a strong mildew-like or musty smell. You need to take note of any new strange smells, especially if you’ve just returned from a long trip and your home had been locked up for a while. If you notice a really strong musty smell, it invariably points to a mold problem. While you may not be able to actually see the growth, going by smell is a great way to detect mold infestations.

The earthy odor mold gives off is usually pronounced in areas such as behind curtains, under the carpets or carpet pads, in walls with insulation, and above the ceiling tiles. That said, mold remediation services have just the right tools and know-how to locate mold growths and examine areas in your home that you can’t see or reach.

  1. Dark-Colored Spots

This is especially important if you are moving into a new home. If you notice dark spots on the walls of the basement or the bathrooms, the new space may have a mold problem. Molds feed on organic materials, and if the growth is left unchecked for a long enough time it can result in discoloration.

Nonetheless, contrary to popular belief, molds are not always black in color. Some molds may appear white and thread-like (white molds look like fluffy veins creeping out of a center spore), others may be gray-brown, pink, or gray-green. If you notice any discoloration or patchy stained spots on your walls, it could be a sign that something is wrong. In which case you should contact a mold remediation service.

  1. Water Damage

Molds thrive in humid areas of the house. Whenever there is a water leak, you risk creating a habitat suited for mold growth, so it’s best to have leaks fixed on time. Furthermore, if leaks occur in hard-to-reach areas, like inside your walls, you should call a mold remediation professional to inspect it and nip any mold growth in the bud.

Signs of water damage may be peeling wallpaper, and cracks in the paint on the walls, or ceiling. Also, homes with a history of flooding are prone to mold growth and would need mold remediation to be considered safe.

  1. Condensation

Condensation happens when warm, moisture-rich air meets a cold surface. This causes the surface to cool down quickly, releasing water droplets on the surface. This can happen on walls, windows, and in air ducts. This type of moisture build-up encourages mold growth, especially if it happens regularly.

Air ducts are more likely to have condensation when it is colder outside. A way to combat condensation – and the mold growth caused by it – is by regulating your home temperature appropriately. You may also want to consider investing in a good humidifier and install it in your bathrooms and other humid areas in your home.

  1. Allergic Reactions

People with sensitive or weakened immune systems suffer mold allergies, such as irritated eyes, a runny or stuffy nose, coughing and sneezing, and in some cases, parched or scaly skin. If you or any of your family members suffer from these conditions, chances are you may have a mold allergy and your home has a mold infestation. Take note to see if these symptoms subside whenever you are away from home.

Why You Need A Mold Remediation Professional

Mold remediation is essential before more issues occur. Opting to not seek professional help can be detrimental to you and your family’s health. Besides, you can also risk re-infestation if you attempt to get rid of mold on your own. Over-the-counter mold test kits are expensive and don’t actually tell you how serious the problem is or where it is concentrated.

However, mold strains affecting limited areas, such as a very small growth in the bathroom tub or on a small section of drywall near a leaky tap, can be easily treated. A mold cleaner can be used to thoroughly wipe an affected area, along with grout and caulking replacement. A small portion of drywall (about 10 square feet or less) with mold is not considered severe either. It can be isolated from the rest of the house and wiped down with a mold remover. But do remember to always look out for additional warning signs it may be elsewhere in your home.

Contact a Mold Remediation Professional

For serious mold issues, you need a professional mold remediation expert to take a look. Mold spores grow rapidly in certain environments, and the faster you take steps to get the situation under control the better. The longer you wait, the more you risk letting the growth fester and incur significant mold remediation costs to fix the problem.

To ensure your home is professionally treated for mold and technical advice on how to prevent the reappearance of mold,contact Restoration 1 Water Damage Experts today for around-the-clock support. You can alsofind a location around you today and pay us a visit.

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