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How To Prepare Your Central Orange County Business For Flash Floods

Most can agree that 2020 has seen its fair share of business and lifestyle interruptions, so make sure you’re prepared for this year’s hurricane season so that your Central Orange County business isn’t faced with a flash-flood disaster as well. Damage from flooding can leave you with lost assets, building damage, and more, all while facing dangerous evacuation situations.

Chat to a disaster planning team and find out how best to protect your business assets and employees, while understanding the potential damage that can be done to your property. Get ready for this season’s weather by protecting your business as best you can. And, once the disaster is over, call the experts at Restoration 1 of Central Orange County to assess the damage and immediately get to restoring your business property to its previous condition.

Tips on how to prepare your business for a flash flood in Central Orange County:

Create An Emergency Plan

Create a small handbook to cover all the important details and information for dealing with a natural disaster, specifically a flood. This should detail the evacuation plan with highlighted routes, shelter plan, how to run drills/training for emergencies, how to help employees with special needs, contact lists with employees and family details, how to move key operations to another location, etc.

Evacuation Planning

During a flood, roads can quickly become obstructed or closed, so come up with a safe evacuation route for your employees–one that will pose the least amount of danger. You’ll find routes planned on the Federal Emergency Management Agency maps for your area according to your suburb’s topography. Remember to add in the location of your closest storm shelters too.

Put An Emergency Kit Together

Create a kit ready with essential non-perishable items such as clean water, non-perishable food, first aid kit, battery-powered radio, flashlight, copies of insurance documents and important phone numbers, spare batteries, medicines, blankets, etc.

Update Insurance

Consider adding flooding to your insurance policy and include insurance for business interruption and lost revenue in the case of flooding. You’ll want to make sure your business can recover quickly from severe damage.

Protect Vital Business Information

It’s important to keep backup copies of important documents, such as insurance documents and vendor contact information off-site, in the cloud, or in an area that won’t be harmed in the case of flooding.

Get Your Building Ready

  • Prep your building so any heavy rain won’t affect your property in the event of flooding in the following ways:
  • Regularly check that your gutters and storm drains are clear
  • Don’t keep your valuable documents and heavy, breakable items in the basement
  • Invest in a sump pump
  • Install backflow prevention check valves to stop flood water from entering at vulnerable points
  • Install watertight barriers or flood shields to prevent the passage of water through openings
  • Build watertight walls in areas that may be susceptible to floodwater

Remember, with some planning and prep you can help minimize the damage to your business and health and safety of your employees. And, importantly, the continuity of your operations can proceed as usual in no time.

Save Restoration 1’s Contact Details

If a flash flood has struck, make sure to call the professionals to tackle the restoration of your business property. This will help give you peace of mind during this stressful time. It may be possible to restore some of the damage on your own – but the bigger problems are better left to the experts.

Call the professionals at Restoration 1 of Central Orange County. There is no way to perform safe and successful water restoration without training. And, with all the expenses of water damage restoration remediation, it does not pay to do it yourself. There is no substitute for professional restoration experts.

If you have any questions about water damage restoration, please contact Restoration 1 of Central Orange County at 714-581-9082. We are available 24/7.

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