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How to Treat Attic Mold During the Holidays

Attic Mold

6 min read

Colorado can get chilly in December with temperatures dipping into single digits below zero. While cold weather gets most people into the Christmas spirit, it can also precipitate trouble with mold.

Water vapor forms when hot air inside the house comes into contact with the cold windows or uninsulated roof sections, leaving water droplets on the glass or walls. Leaks or gaps in the building envelope can also produce moisture, which, in turn, can lead to mold.

Mold can cause permanent damage to a property and reduce its market value. It can also pose a health risk to household members, particularly those with sensitive or weak immune systems. Often, they may experience headaches, chest pains, breathing problems, and other symptoms when exposed to mold for long periods. Facing these problems can dampen anyone’s spirits, especially around Christmas.

Read on to learn what causes microbial growth and how to treat mold in attic spaces this holiday season.

What Causes Attic Mold?

Mold needs moisture, humidity, and organic matter to survive. Microbial growth can occur within 72 hours of mold spores landing on moist, humid surfaces, and in three to 10 days, the fuzzy growth’s distinctive color and appearance will become more visible. Mold can spread quickly if left untreated, especially if the three environmental factors mentioned above persist.

Here are the most common causes of attic mold:

  • Roof leaks due to unpatched holes, loose shingles, or damaged gutters
  • Saturated the insulating foam due to roof leaks
  • Patchy insulation
  • Poor ventilation
  • Undetected openings, cracks, or gaps in the attic (building envelope leaks)
  • Plumbing leaks (usually from the sprinkler system)
  • Spilled drink or food
  • Rainwater entering from a broken or open window

Plumbing and roofing problems are the most common culprits of attic mold. So, if issues emerge involving these two, and you suspect the problems have been going on for quite some time, check your attic immediately. There’s a high chance that mold has already taken root in the space without your knowledge.

Attic Mold Remediation: Tips on How To Treat Mold in Attic Spaces

When there is a mold infestation in your attic, you will likely have some questions and concerns. What should you do next? Where can you find experienced attic mold remediation specialists? Here are some tips on how to treat mold in attic spaces:

  • Isolate the attic.

Mold spores are airborne, which explains why mold can spread quickly. It’s crucial to prevent spores from spreading to other rooms; otherwise, you’ll have a persistent problem that extends beyond your attic. With that in mind, tell your household not to open the attic door frequently and consider putting up large tarps to physically isolate the infested area and block spores from escaping.

  • Find and address the source of the moisture.

As previously discussed, germination occurs when mold spores land on wet surfaces. Therefore, the first thing you must do is find out where the water that triggered the germination came from. Is it condensation from a window? Leaks on the roof? A damaged gutter that divers rainwater into the attic instead of through the downspout? Find the source and fix the problem as quickly as possible.

  • Remove contaminated items from the attic.

If your attic serves as a storage room, there’s a high chance that some of your things have been contaminated with mold. Assess those items carefully. Set aside the things that can still be cleaned. But for items beyond saving, like moldy books, curtains, insulation, and upholstered furniture, pack them carefully in garbage bags and take them outside for disposal. Porous materials like fabrics, paper, and wood are easily damaged by mold and are difficult to clean, so you must be prepared to throw them out.

  • Wear protective clothing.

Wear appropriate protective gear if you plan to kill and remove mold through DIY means. A full-body suit and ventilator are necessary when treating a massive infestation that covers large chunks of the wall, ceiling, or floor. But if it’s just a minor mold problem, gloves, masks, and eye protection may suffice.

Wearing protective clothing for mold in attic removal prevents you from inhaling mold spores. It also protects you from accidentally getting splashed with bleach or exposed to strong fumes from mold-killing agents.

  • Treat the mold and disinfect the attic.

While we’re on the topic of DIY attic mold remediation, follow the instructions on the mold treatment products to kill the mold from the roots. For minor cases, scrubbing the contaminated surfaces with warm water and mild detergent is usually enough to kill mold. When you’re satisfied and think you’ve removed the mold, disinfect the area thoroughly with a bleach solution or commercial disinfectant.

  • Ventilate the attic and let it dry.

After scrubbing, rinsing, and removing all traces of mold, the last thing you want to happen is for spores to germinate again in the same spots. To avoid regrowth and prevent untimely decomposition in the contaminated areas, ventilate the attic so that the wet spots can dry quickly and thoroughly. You may open a window or use fans and dehumidifiers to dry the attic. Doing so makes the space less conducive to mold and lowers the possibility of a recurrence.

The Professional Advantage: How Professionals Handle Mold in Attic Removal

Some of you must wonder, if DIY mold-killing products are available, why must one hire mold remediation professionals?

Anyone can remove mold when it’s tiny and appears on a smooth, non-porous surface. You can wipe the fuzz off with a tissue and some alcohol or liquid detergent, and you’re done. However, dealing with a massive infestation that has had weeks, months, or years to grow is not as easy. The risk of mold spores spreading is much higher, and it’s harder to remove mold whose roots have gone deep into the substrate where it’s attached.

Professionals are equipped, trained, and more capable of solving these problems than anyone. If you want to avoid a recurring mold problem, hiring mold remediation specialists is your best option.

Get Expert Advice and Services for Mold Remediation in Aurora

As the temperature drops and furnaces and heaters are turned on during the holidays, the risk of mold taking root in your attic also increases.

Restoration 1 is a national franchise renowned for exceptionally restoring damaged properties. In line with this, we also offer mold remediation in residential properties. Our licensed and experienced mold specialists eliminate mold without inflicting further damage on a property.

Don’t let mold interrupt your festivities this Christmas. Contact Restoration 1 for professional mold remediation today.

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